Be sure to use the same email address you use for your Russound Portal Account.
Please enter your company website address if you have one.
This is used to help us verify your industry affiliation.
Where do you buy your Russound products? Enter the name of your distributor/vendor/supplier. If you buy directly from Russound, please enter your Russound account number.
Please provide the details
This is used to help us verify your industry affiliation.
May we use the email address you have provided for sending Russound product marketing messages to you in the future?
Russound will never provide your information to any third parties.
May we use the email address you have provided for sending Russound Technical Product Information (such as Tech Tips or Firmware Update Notifications) to you in the future?
Russound will never provide your information to any third parties.
By clicking the "Agree and Finish" button below, I agree to allow Russound to use the information provided to verify my industry affiliation in order to become authorized to be a Russound Certified Installer and I also agree to the following:
1) I will not sell any Russound products on the Internet, in a catalog, or in connection with telemarketing (800, 888, 877, or other toll-free numbers).
2) I will purchase Russound products only for resale directly to an end user, but not for sale to any other distributor, dealer, wholesaler, etc.
3) I will only sell Russound products to a customer who comes to my place of business, or who is located within a 100 mile radius of my place of business, or who has ME install the product.
4) I understand that my Russound Portal login is for my individual use only and that my login and password information cannot be shared with anyone else.
5) I agree to notify Russound if I suspect my login/password may have been compromised.
6) I understand that any violation of these terms may result in my being prohibited from installing "Russound Certified Installer Required" products in the future.